Jehovah’s Witnesses Demonizing Higher Education

(THIS IS A VIDEO TRANSCRIPT. Speech of Gerrit Lösch, member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s witnesses, given in Italian during a special JW convention on May 22, 2005 in the city of Monza, near Milan, Italy.)

Gerrit Lösch, member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses

Gerrit Lösch, member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses

“Going to college or not may be a reflexion of your faith or lack of your faith, and it may indicate how present the imminence of the Great Tribulation in your mind. What is undoubtable is that the time left is reduced, as Paul said I Corintians 7:29. If you are currently going to college, why don’t you meditate in prayer on the possibility of dropping out and doing something better? But for us, who scrutinize of the meaning of the world events in the light of Bible prophecy, there are more worthy reasons for not putting worldly career first in our lives. We could liken ourselves to someone who sees a building with a sign that reads, “The company is running out of business.” Would you apply for a job there? Of course not. And if we were working for such a company, we would wisely look for a job elsewhere. Well, on all the institutions of this world lies a sing reading imminent liquidation. The end is near. Yes, the Bible assures us that the world is passing away. Therefore we will be wise, and we will not imitate those who are an integral part of it.

Now you have listened to the advise. What will you do now? Some advocate going to college by citing the example of some elders’ children who are attending college or that did so (in the past). We are not able nor willing to tell you what you should do. Your parents and you should make the decision. We are not the masters over your faith. However, the Faithful and Discreet Slave has the responsibility to warn against spiritual dangers and to encourage to put Kingdom interest first. So, the Slave discourages from going to college for a long period of time.

I have often times heard experiences of individuals who were about to complete their college programs, and who dropped out when they learned the truth. Some other baptized individuals have turned down scholarships. What will you do? What decision will you make? Will you refuse or not? Will you get a university education or not? You will be accountable to Jehovah for this. We would like to praise those in the audience who dropped out the college when they heard the truth, (as we praise) those who other listening to this talk will make the same decision. Maybe you still want to advocate the possibility of going to college. You may say, “You see Brother X going to college, and now he is serving in the congregation and is also a pioneer. “ True, he may survived college, so to speak. But what follows is a true experience of a young man who suffered from a compulsive disorder which made him wash his hands over and over again, even 100 times a day. This disorder discouraged him so much, that one day he decided to commit suicide. He bought a rifle, put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The bullet, however, didn’t kill him but instead perforated the part of his brain that was responsible for his compulsive disorder. He survived and after that he managed to live a normal life. Yes, its true, he survived… he survived. But would you recommend that other people imitate what that young man did? Similarly, some have survived college, but would you recommend that to others?

Instead of investing in a higher education, it would be advisable to grow in the knowledge of Jehovah. In order to start knowing the Bible better, we must read the Bible every day. Every day. Are we going to do that?”

A Better Place than Earth

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said, “Let there be light” and there was light.

He gave borders for water that cause rivers to appear and that the sea whose struggling waves will never overflow the dry ground. He clothed the ground with fresh green grass and different kinds of plants whose flowers seemed to be competing with their beautiful colors and fragrance. He made trees of different kinds, bearing variety of fruits that provide nutrients for those who will eat. He made different kinds of animals, big and small, flying and creeping, jumping and swimming, all for the benefit of the man He will create. He cause mountains and hills to rise; forms of land that declare the greatness of their Creator. He made the sun to give heat and light in day, and moon and stars to shine at night. He provides rain to water every trees and plants, and air to sustain the life of everyone. And then on the sixth-day, He created man according to His image, the crown of His creation. This is how the Lord God formed and beautified man’s habitation; a planet perfect in beauty and order; without single stain of anything that is unpleasant in the sight of God… until sin and death entered.

 After the entrance of sin, Adam and Eve, with all of their sons and descendants suffered its consequences; misery, pain, sickness and death. Before his own eyes, Adam witnessed all the terrible results of his own transgression. Grass and leaves withered, beautiful flowers faded, animals and beasts became no more subjected to him, and his physical stature and endurance and moral and intellectual power were all deteriorated, and the world was filled with misery of every type. And upon the earth, God declared, “Curse is the ground for thy sake.” The earth, with all the things in its surface, suffered with that curse. Thus, as plants, animals, and man die, the earth will fade also. Isaiah said,

 “The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate…

 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.

The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.” (Isaiah 24:5-6, 19-20)

 The earth is the habitation of life, but it is a temporal life, a life that bound to die. All things in it are not eternal. They will all pass away. The withering of grass, the drying of rivers, the death of both animals and man, all these suggesting that the earth is a temporary habitation. Paul stated, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (II Corinthians 4:18) This was the reason why Christ taught His disciples to love not their own lives more than the cause of God neither seek friendship with the world for it is enmity against God, but rather seek those things that are eternal; things that will never fade; things that are prepared by God for those who loved Him. Yes, there is a place, an earth, prepared by God; New Heavens and a New Earth unstained by wickedness or death but a place where righteousness and beauty dwell. “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” (Rev. 21:5; Isa. 65:17) There shall be no hunger, neither thirst anymore; neither the light of the sun, nor any heat, and God shall wipe away all tears in the eyes of the saved.

 This earth is not worthy to be inherited by the saints. The everlasting life that they will receive upon the return of Christ is not worthy to enjoy in a place consumed by curse and misery. Things that are eternal are always for eternal things, and this is what the saints should always look for unlike the others whose hope rest only in this earth. By leaning with temporal things, and by hoping for the things that are seen, hopes for heaven and eternity seemed to be an illusion for them. But this is not what Christ had taught. The apostle said, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Col. 3:1-2)

 Try to look upon the great patriarchs of old such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who, in spite of the rich land that God promised to them, they choose to become sojourners in that land because they look not to an earthly inheritance but that which is in heaven.

 “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:

For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God…

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” (Heb. 11:8-10, 13-16)

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society: Hypocrisy at Its Best

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the beast of Revelation 17 where the harlot is riding is the United Nations. This belief was recorded in their book called “Isaiah’s Prophecy — Light for All Mankind“, vol. 1 p. 153.

“The harlot is riding a scarlet-colored wild beast that has seven heads and ten horns. (Revelations 17:3,5,7-12) The wild beast represents the United Nations organization… Thus the modern-day Assyrian (nations associated with the UN) will deal Christendom a mighty blow and will crush her out of her existence.

And in the book called “Babylon the Great Has Fallen!” God’s Kingdom Rules! states on pages 593-594:

The Seventh World Power is the main promoter and supporter of the United Nations, the present form of the ‘image of the wild beast.’ …Destruction is what God’s angel predicted for this scarlet-colored wild beast by saying: ‘The wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but springs form the seven, and it goes off into destruction.’ (Revelation 17:11) The United Nations of today contains as members the Seventh World Power and the national remnants of all the previous world powers. So it owes its existence to those seven world powers; it springs from them. As this modern scarlet-colored beast is an image of the leopard-spotted wild beast from the sea, which is a summation of all seven world powers, the beastly ‘image’ is also in itself a world power or ‘king,’ hence ‘an eighth king.’ It has put its own military police force into the field of action. Now that it has ascended out of the abyss and been out since 1945, the Bible shows that what next it will do is to go off into destruction.”

But look who’s speaking? For ten years, from 1991 until October of 2001, the Watchtower Organization was associated with the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

Witnesses believe that the beast where the harlot is riding represents the United Nations and that Jehovah God will punish this gigantic organization, including those who associated themselves with it. But for a very long time, the innocent members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses were ignorant about the membership of their religion with what they called as “beast”. But when some curious members learned how their leaders compromised their own message, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society demand a rush disconnection of their organization from the United Nations. After the dismembership, Watch Tower blames the United Nations, particularly the head of the Department of Public Information for not telling the truth. According to their accusation, the chief of the DPI did not does he not make it clear that the original applications said nothing about supporting the UN charter. It is wondering how Jehovah’s Witnesses understand that before entering in such organization, the applicant must be aware of its charters before he proceed to the signing of documents. Concerning to the NGOs, the United Nations charter declared;

“The NGOs officially recognized by DPI cooperate with the United Nations to help build public understanding and support for United Nations programmes and goals… To be granted association status with DPI, NGOs must …support the Charter of the United Nations …and possess the resources necessary for effective outreach.”

Feel free to read this document.

Press Release letter from the United Nations dated August 1992:

Witnessing the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”

Jehovah’s Witnesses are enthusiastic propagators of their doctrine. Early morning, you will see them visiting in front of your door with a smile and very friendly approach. Bringing to you the so-called “good news” of their gospel with a hope that you will give them even a little time to hear their message. If you accepted their literature and promised to read it, that will be enough for them to leave your door with joy. For me, it is an excellent way of witnessing for one’s religion. But every time I see them visiting our community, I can’t prevent myself to feel some regret for these people, because the truth is –  these people are enthusiasts to their cause without knowing that they were deceived by it.

In 1972, the Watch Tower Society, which is the administering body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, gave a declaration such as follow;

“So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come?He had a “prophet” to warn them. This “prophet” was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. …Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a “prophet” of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record. What does it show?”( Source)

Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders for over 100 years have claimed to be God’s only living “prophet” on the face of the earth. However, if one looks at their record, the documented evidence proves they are what Jesus described as “false prophets!” Most Jehovah’s Witneses have no clue about the true history of their organization. Remember what Jesus said: “And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many.” (Mat 24:11)

In 1889 they prophesied :

“Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14) which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God’s word.” ( Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, The Time Is At Hand, 1889 Ed., p. 101. The 1915 Edition of this texts changed “A.D. 1914” to read ‘A.D. 1915)

When 1914 failed, what “date” did the Society “change” in their updated edition of The Time is At Hand book?

“Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty’ (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1915, with the complete overthrow of the earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.” ( The Time Is At Hand; 1889; 1915 ed.; p. 101 )

When 1915 failed, what did the Society say God would do in 1918?

“Also, in the year 1918, when God destroys the churches wholesale and the church members by million, it shall be that any that escape shall come to the works of Pastor Russell to learn the meaning of the downfall of Christianity.” ( The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 485)

When 1918 failed, what date did the Society give for the “old world” to end and the “new order” to begin with the “resurrection” of the Old Testament saints?

“Based upon the argument heretofore set forth, then, that the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die.” ( Millions Now Living Will Never Die. 1920 p. 97)

… They are to be resurrected as perfect men and constitute the princes or rulers in the earth.… Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old.… 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction … (J. F. Rutherford, Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, p.89, p.90)

Why were Jehovah’s Witnesses looking forward to 1975?

“Why Are You Looking Forward To 1975?” … “What about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam’s creation. The nearness of such an important date indeed fires the imagination and presents unlimited possibilities for discussion.”( Watchtower, Aug. 15, 1968, p. 494)

“According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man’s creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E Six thousand years of man’s existence on earth will soon be up, yea within this generation. The rein of Christ…to run parallel with the 7th millennium …”( Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, 1966, p. 29-30)

What did the Society say “would have to be” occurring in the “seventh in a series of thousand-year periods or millenniums”?

“More recently earnest researchers of the Holy Bible have made a recheck of its chronology. According to their calculations the six millenniums of mankind’s life on earth would end in the mid-seventies. Thus the seventh millennium from mans creation by Jehovah god would begin within less than ten years. Apart from the global change that present-day world condition indicate is fast getting near, the arrival of the seventh millennium of mans existence on earth suggests a gladsome change for war-stricken humankind. …In order for the Lord Jesus Christ to be Lord even of the Sabbath day, his thousand-year reign would have to be the seventh in a series of thousand-year periods or millenniums. (Matt 12:8, AV) Thus it would be a sabbatic reign. Since early in the existence of mankind Satan the Devil has been on the loose, making the human family to toil in hard bondage, causing the earth to be filled with violence before the global flood of Noahs day and inducing the same old earth to be filled with even greater violence today. Soon now six millenniums of his wicked exploiting of mankind as his slaves will end, within the lifetime of the generation that has witnessed world events since the close of the gentile times in 1914 till now, according to the prophetic words of Jesus in Matthew 24:34. Would not, then, the end of six millenniums of mankind’s laborious enslavement under Satan the Devil be the fitting time for Jehovah God to usher in a Sabbath millennium for all his human creatures? Yes, indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath.” (Watchtower, Nov. 15, 1969, p. 622, p. 623)

Did the Society encourage Jehovah’s Witnesses to sell their homes in preparation for the “wicked world’s end” to come in 1975?

“Yes, the end of this system is so very near! Is that not reason to increase our activity?…Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end.“( Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p. 3)

Does the Watchtower Society deny that they are a “false prophet” by claiming that they never presumed to “originate predictions ‘in the name of Jehovah’ ”?

“Jehovah’s Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus’ second coming, having suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions ‘in the name of Jehovah.’”( Awake! March 22, 1993, p. 4)

How Jehovah’s Witnesses described false prophecies like these?

“True, there have been those in times past who predicted an ‘end of the world,’ even announcing a specific date. …Yet, nothing happened. The ‘end’ did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?  …Missing from such people were God’s truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them.”— ( Awake!, October 8, 1968, p. 23)

The history and prophecies of the Watch Tower are easily revealed as fabrications and distortion by simply reading the materials they published from the beginning. Their greatest enemy is their own literature which clearly shows the man-made nature of their theology. Jehovah’s Witness leaders are continually covered up and re-written their ever changing doctrines, each time presenting them as new light. The one thing Watch Tower Society cannot tolerate in their organization is critical thinking. That’s why they forbid their followers any material which might expose their deception.

The Bible said;

But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”

—Deuteronomy 18:20-22